All in Genesis

JACOB Grows Up

Learning and growing through the experiences we go through is an important part of being a Christian. Listen to this final episode on Jacob to find out how he and his brother Esau have grown in their faith over time.

JACOB is Tricked

Jesus says, “Treat others just as you want to be treated,” but not all the characters in the Bible do this. In fact, most don't! In this episode, Jacob and Laban trick one another and treat each other badly. Will they mature and change or will they keep on being tricksters?

JACOB The Trickster

Part 1 of 3 on Jacob's story - cunning, clever, sneaky. God wants us to grow and develop to be more like him as we live our lives. Tune in to find out more about what Jacob 's character is like in the earlier part of his life!

GENESIS: The Ultimate Rescuer

The GENESIS series ends with a reminder of all the stories Anna has shared, all the sins and bad choices the characters have made and all the ways in which they have been rescued. This episode finishes with a reminder that the ultimate rescuer saves us all from all our sins through Jesus on the cross.

GENESIS: Making Sacrifices

What are you prepared to give up for God? Abraham was put to the test, being asked by God to make a huge sacrifice. Abraham was willing. Will we be willing should we be tested? Tune in to this episode to find out more!

GENESIS: God's Chosen People

Abraham is promised a great nation, but has no children! In this episode we look at how God plans the whole thing out and how Abraham's family grows to include Isaac, then all the Jews, and when Jesus comes, the invitation to join God's family is extended to us too!

GENESIS: Rescuing Lot

Lot is similar to many Christians - surrounded by sin, trying to follow God, but continually needing to be rescued. Tune in to this extra long episode to be inspired by the story about Lot and how he was saved - multiple times!

GENESIS: Pride in Babel

The problem with pride is that we rely on ourselves instead of God. This is what the people in Babel who built the tower did and it is what we often do too. Find out more in the next instalment from the GENESIS series with Anna.

GENESIS: Starting Over With Noah

Sin is a big deal. How big? Huge enough for God to wipe everyone in the world out and start again with Noah. You may feel like this story is familiar, but I expect that in this episode you will learn even more details that you didn’t know!

GENESIS: Cain and Abel

Sibling rivalry that ends in jealousy and murder doesn't sound too good, but in today's episode you'll discover how sinning in your anger isn't that good either! All our sins cause a roadblock, no matter which one it is. Thankfully we have Jesus who deals with that sin so we can have a proper relationship with God!

GENESIS: Sin Is A Roadblock

Have you ever come to a roadblock? A tree has fallen across the road and you can’t get through. You have to wait until someone can clear the tree away before you can go on. Or maybe you have to turn around and go back, unable to get to where you wanted to go.

GENESIS: The Beginning Was Perfect

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." This is the key verse for today's episode, which also includes information about the creation of the world, who God is, how women came to be, who named all the animals, plus much more!