Learning and growing through the experiences we go through is an important part of being a Christian. Listen to this final episode on Jacob to find out how he and his brother Esau have grown in their faith over time.
Welcome to The Word On The Street Podcast. My aim is to help you kick start God conversations with your kids through each episode, which will always include relevant stories, clear explanations and The Word of God.
All in Genesis
The GENESIS series ends with a reminder of all the stories Anna has shared, all the sins and bad choices the characters have made and all the ways in which they have been rescued. This episode finishes with a reminder that the ultimate rescuer saves us all from all our sins through Jesus on the cross.
Sibling rivalry that ends in jealousy and murder doesn't sound too good, but in today's episode you'll discover how sinning in your anger isn't that good either! All our sins cause a roadblock, no matter which one it is. Thankfully we have Jesus who deals with that sin so we can have a proper relationship with God!