MIRACLES: Jesus Walks On Water
Have you had swimming lessons before? Is swimming something you enjoy doing?
In Australia we swim a lot because it is hot here.
There are over 10 million swimming pools wold wide with Australian’s building more domestic swimming pools (per capita) than any other country.
Jesus didn't swim in this story, although he could have if he had wanted to!
Bible Verse: Matthew 14:22-32
Do we doubt? Doubting is the opposite of having faith.
Peter fixed his eyes on Jesus and started walking on water.
He started doubting when he looked away from Jesus. He looked at how strong the wind was and got scared and started sinking.
But he called out to Jesus. Let's call out to Jesus when we need help. Jesus came to Peter, stretched out his arm and pulled him up.
What about the other disciples? Did they have a go, too? It is better to give it a go than stay in the boat.
The disciples saw Jesus feed 5000 men and then went on a boat, rowing hard against the wind all night, and then they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them as if he was walking on hard ground and they didn’t know who Jesus was. The men saw all this and believed, saying, "Jesus is the son of God!"
Not everyone who saw the miracles of Jesus believed.
The Pharisees saw many amazing miracles too, and yet they wanted to believe Jesus was sent from Satan.
Judas saw all of these amazing things first hand, and still chose to reject Jesus as the saviour.
Who is Jesus? Jesus is God the Son. He was sent to earth by the Father to save us from our sins and these miracles prove that Jesus is not someone to ignore. We need to pay attention to these true stories and let them alter our lives.
Discussion Questions:
If you were one of the disciples, and saw Jesus feed 5000 men and then went on a boat, rowing hard against the wind all night, and then saw Jesus walking on the water towards you as if he was walking on hard ground, who would you think Jesus is?
How does that effect your life?