

Welcome to The Word On The Street Podcast. My aim is to help you kick start God conversations with your kids through each episode, which will always include relevant stories, clear explanations and The Word of God.

BEING A CHRISTIAN: Kids Sharing Jesus

BEING A CHRISTIAN: Kids Sharing Jesus

Did you decide you wanted to become a Christian at the end of the last episode? If YES - welcome to the universal church, your name has been written in the book of life and whenever you do end up dying, you get to spend eternity with God and with me!

Did you decide you wanted to become a Christian at the end of the last episode?

If YES - welcome to the universal church, your name has been written in the book of life and whenever you do end up dying, you get to spend eternity with God and with me!

I’ll be praying for you because living as a Christian, trying to please God, love others and not sin is hard, although it is very rewarding.

If you said NO, you didn’t want to become a Christian - that’s totally fine - keep listening and learning and thinking, there is no rush. Just remember, if you don’t accept Jesus you reject him.

As a Christian, living for God, one of the most important jobs he gives us is telling other people about the gospel. Evangelism

Why? So they can go to heaven too!

Imagine what it will be like when you get to heaven.

Your friends aren’t there because you didn’t tell them. 

Why wouldn’t you tell your friends? You were too shy to invite them to church. You enjoyed going to kids groups at church with the kids there and didn’t need any more friends at church, so you decided to not invite them. You had told yourself that they would have been too busy to come anyway - playing soccer and dancing and learning musical instruments.

Bible verse: How are your friends going to become Christians? In the bible, in Romans 10:13,14 Paul wrote, “All who call out to the Lord will be saved. How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?”

Why don’t I like sharing the gospel - I avoid arguments

3 Things You Can Do to Share The Gospel:

  1. Memorise the gospel story by heart and tell them

  2. Invite them to a church event

  3. Pray

One final thing you could do is tell them about this podcast! If your friend hears the gospel in these episodes then they might be able to call out to the Lord and be saved!

Also write an apple podcasts review. You could actually help lots of other people - kids and parents who don’t know you - to hear the gospel and become Christians by sharing this podcast, by leaving a review, by subscribing and following us on social media. All these things help the rankings of the show and enable the algorithms to rank us more highly, boosting our downloads, which means even more people may come to know Jesus. Just imagine how cool that is - to help people you don’t even know! I can imagine you getting to heaven and finding out heaps of people are there because of a review you wrote out in 2020 on itunes!

Discussion Questions:

  1. What things make you hesitant to share the gospel?

  2. Who do you want to share the gospel with?

  3. Kind of like a role play - can you practise saying out loud what you would say to the person you just mentioned in the second question.

  4. I have an additional challenge, and if you’re listening to this a month or a year or even several years after I have posted this, I would love you to still do this challenge: Make a short video of yourself explaining the 5 parts of the gospel story and upload it to our facebook group. It can be as elaborate or as amateur as you like - we are not professionals here and there will be no mark. By doing this, we can get encouraged by you and you can get some practise!

BEING A CHRISTIAN: Having a Relationship With God

BEING A CHRISTIAN: Having a Relationship With God

BEING A CHRISTIAN: How to Become a Christian FOR KIDS

BEING A CHRISTIAN: How to Become a Christian FOR KIDS