

Welcome to The Word On The Street Podcast. My aim is to help you kick start God conversations with your kids through each episode, which will always include relevant stories, clear explanations and The Word of God.

MIRACLES: Jesus Calms The Storm

MIRACLES: Jesus Calms The Storm

Join Anna as she discusses the bible passage about Jesus calming the storm. Jesus insists that his disciples put their faith in him. Discuss the episode together using the questions at the end, and as a family get you thinking and relating at a deeper level.

Join Anna as she discusses the bible passage about Jesus calming the storm. Jesus insists that his disciples put their faith in him. Discuss the episode together using the questions at the end, and as a family get you thinking and relating at a deeper level.

There is always something to learn when Jesus performs a miracle and this story is no different!

Bible Reading: Mark 4:35-41

What is faith?

Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Do you have faith that the sun will come up in the morning? Easy!

Do you have faith that you will have enough water to drink? In Australia - easy!

Having faith can be easy, but it is hard when you can’t see it.

Have you ever put your faith in something?

Every day when you get in the car!

When you sit on a chair that you have never sat on before, you are having faith that it will hold you up. Why?

We have faith that the sun will come up every morning.

What did Jesus want the disciples to have faith in?

They have seen Jesus heal the paralytic man, what else can he do?

Jesus is capable of anything.

Luke 1:37 “Nothing is impossible for God!”

Jesus is God but the disciples are still working that out. 

We know that Jesus is God so we can have faith that he is capable of anything. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. Imagine you were one of the disciples in the boat in the storm, what do you think you would be thinking and feeling? 

  2. When you are feeling afraid, what is happening and how could having faith in Jesus make it better?

  3. Do you find it easy to have faith in Jesus? Why/why not?

MIRACLES: Jesus Feeds 5000

MIRACLES: Jesus Feeds 5000

MIRACLES: Jesus Casts Out Demons

MIRACLES: Jesus Casts Out Demons