All tagged Miracles

MARK - Jesus Controls Nature

The disciples saw the crowds being fed but when Jesus showed his power over creation, they were awestruck and fearful. What did Jesus do? He calmed the wind and waves and he walked on the water!

MARK - Jesus Feeds The Crowds

Jesus has power over so many things, including creation. This is what enables him to be able to feed ginormous crowds with only a small amount of bread and fish (and I’m not convinced he even needed those!) Not just once, but twice!

MARK - Jesus Fixes Our Biggest Problem (Sin!)

When Jesus saw a man who couldn’t walk, he didn’t just see one big problem, but 2 - and one of his problems was way bigger than the other! In this episode you will hear the story of the Paralytic Man, and discover why Jesus heals the man FIRST and heals him SECOND.

MARK - Jesus Beats Sickness

In this episode you will discover why Jesus healed many sick people in his time on earth. It wasn’t only because he really wanted everyone to be healthy, but as a sign to the people as to who he is - the Son of God!