

Welcome to The Word On The Street Podcast. My aim is to help you kick start God conversations with your kids through each episode, which will always include relevant stories, clear explanations and The Word of God.



God is invisible. So… WHERE IS GOD?

There are so many different verses in the bible that say where God is:

God lives in Heaven.

BIBLE VERSE - Psalm 33:13-14

“The Lord looks at the world

from his throne in heaven,
and he watches us all.

The Lord gave us each a mind,
and nothing we do
can be hidden from him.”

God lived in the Ark of the Covenant.

God lived in the temple.

God lives now in our hearts.

BIBLE VERSE - Ephesians 3:17, “Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith.” AND Jesus promises us in Matthew 28:20, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.”

But he is also omnipresent.

What does OMNIPRESENT mean? Omni comes from the Latin word “all”

Present in all places at the same time; everywhere present.

Do you know anything that can exist in all places at the same time? Light/darkness. Sound waves. Energy? Air? Not really, not like this. But it is a start to think like this.

God created science. He does not need to conform to it.

Many people these days, who don’t believe in God, and saying that they believe in a higher power. I read a book calling this higher power Energy Source.

How can anyone be omnipresent?

The Incredibles is one of my favourite kids movies. And I often wonder about Dash, and how it would feel to be so quick. He can run on water he is so fast. Superman is fast too, being so fast that he can travel around the world in seconds.

Are Dash and Superman omnipresent though?

God doesn’t actually have to be fast, because he is literally in every place at every moment.

Can you get your mind around that?

There are some things that our minds can not comprehend.

Can you imagine any colours other than those that you can see? Animals can see extra colours, can you try and imagine any?

Can you imagine a world without the concept of time? Eternity - no beginning and no end are pretty hard concepts to get our minds around.

What do you think?

In this segment I want you to really think deeply. The question I want you to think about is: what would you do if you were omnipresent?

If you could be everywhere at once, what would you do?

Would you become a thief and steal as much money as you can, knowing where everyone is at any time?

Would you enjoy all of the sights from all over the world all at once?

Would you join the police and arrest everyone you know who is doing the wrong thing?

Would you use your knowledge to help people in need?

All over the world, CCTV surveillance is monitoring everyone’s actions. We are being watched - in the shops, in the carpark, on the roads, and pretty much everywhere these days. Somebody can see everything, even though it is only through the lens of a camera. What is happening?

People are being more careful about their behaviour. There is 50% less criminal activity in public carparks.

The main thing CCTV is doing is to help detective solve crimes, and the footage from surveillance cameras is used to help in most cases.

Bible Passage: Psalm 139:7-12

“Where could I go to escape
from your Spirit
or from your sight?

If I were to climb up
to the highest heavens,
you would be there.
If I were to dig down
to the world of the dead
you would also be there.

Suppose I had wings
like the dawning day
and flew across the ocean.

Even then your powerful arm
would guide and protect me.

Or suppose I said, “I’ll hide
in the dark
until night comes
to cover me over.”

But you see in the dark
because daylight and dark
are all the same to you.”

This is absolutely true!

Story Time!

Jonah’s story. God found Jonah when he tried to run away!

Question Time!

  1. Do you ever wish, like Jonah, that God wasn’t everywhere?

  2. What times are you grateful that God is everywhere?

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