

Welcome to The Word On The Street Podcast. My aim is to help you kick start God conversations with your kids through each episode, which will always include relevant stories, clear explanations and The Word of God.



Last episode was all about God being omnipresent - omni meaning ALL and present meaning here. God is in all places all of the time.

He is also omnipotent - omni meaning ALL and potent meaning strong and powerful.

I often pronounce it incorrectly - omni potent - because that is how it is spelled.

God is all powerful. He has power of all things, all of the time.

God’s first example of his power in the bible is at the very beginning when he created the world. The very first episode to The Word On The Street is on this!

Bible Passage: Job 42:2

“No one can oppose you, because you have the power to do what you want.”

Bible Passage: Job 38

Now get ready to face me!
Can you answer
the questions I ask?

How did I lay the foundation
for the earth?
Were you there?

Did you ever tell the sun to rise?
And did it obey?

Job, have you ever walked
on the ocean floor?

And how large is the earth?
Tell me, if you know!

Where is the home of light,
and where does darkness live?

Have you been to the places
where I keep snow and hail,

Who carves out a path
for thunderstorms?
Who sends torrents of rain

on empty deserts
where no one lives?

Can You Arrange Stars?

Can you arrange stars in groups

Do you control the stars
or set in place the Big Dipper
and the Little Dipper?

Do you know the laws
that govern the heavens,
and can you make them rule
the earth?

Did you teach birds to know
that rain or floods
are on their way?

Can you count the clouds
or pour out their water

on the dry, lumpy soil?

When lions are hungry,
do you help them hunt?

Do you send an animal
into their den?

And when starving young ravens
cry out to me for food,
do you satisfy their hunger?

God Does!

God can do anything! There is a whole series of episodes from October last year about so many of the miracles that Jesus performed. He really does not have to obey any laws of science at all!

What do you think?

Is there anything that God can’t do?

But can God really do anything?

Can God eat fish and chips?

Can God save the world in Fortnite?

Can God stop the sun from shining?

Can God tell lies?

There are actually quite a few things he won’t do.

God will not act in a sinful way, in a way contrary to his character.

God cannot lie.

Bible Passage: Numbers 23:19

God is no mere human!

He doesn’t tell lies

or change his mind.

God always keeps his promises.

Story Time!
Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt - God parted the Red Sea and fed the people manna

Question Time!

  1. Do you find it hard or easy to believe that God is omnipotent? Why/why not?

  2. How might the knowledge of God being all powerful change the things you ask God for?

I know for me that I don’t ask for miracles much, but I most definitely can, and I can expect God to do them too, as he is more than capable!

God is LOVE

God is LOVE