LENT & EASTER | Jesus Is Risen!

The Pharisees have done all they can to get rid of Jesus and they thought that they had finally won. That is, until the 3rd day, the Sunday, when an angel rolled the stone of the tomb away. The Pharisees made up a story, but the story we celebrate on Easter Sunday is the one we heard from the disciples and the women about Jesus coming alive again. But which story do you believe? Tune in to hear the story of the risen Jesus from the Pharisees' perspective!

LENT & EASTER | Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

After Jesus had his final meal before he died he went to The Garden of Gethsemane with some of his disciples. This episode is all about what went on there, highlighting the cup which Jesus requested to be taken away from him. What would have happened if God had agreed to Jesus' request? This is just one of the deeper things you might think about as you listen to this episode!

LENT & EASTER | Jesus' Last Supper

So much happened during Jesus' last meal at the Passover feast. Jesus taught, he prophesied and he washed their feet. This episode includes it all but focuses on Jesus' servant attitude. Why does he aim to serve and why does he want us to do the same? Listen to this episode to start thinking about these things!

LENT & EASTER | Palm Sunday

In this episode we hear about how Jesus finally arrives in Jerusalem for the last time - and it is in style!
Why does he ride on a donkey and why do the people lay down palm branches and cloaks?
All will be revealed in this episode which is short enough to fit into a quick car trip!